On September 22, 2020, mamduh Salman, Minister of Commerce of the Egyptian Embassy in China, and his party visited China Stone Association and held talks with Chen Guoqing, President of China Stone Association, and Qi Zigang, vice president and Secretary General of China Stone Association. The two sides had in-depth exchanges on Enhancing China Egypt stone trade and strengthening cooperation in stone industry. Masitab Ibrahim, commercial counsellor of Egyptian Embassy in China, Lu Liping, senior commercial Commissioner, Deng Huiqing and sun Weixing, Deputy Secretary General of China Stone Association, and Tian Jing, deputy director of industry department attended the talks.
Egypt is one of the major stone exporting countries in the world. The stone trade between China and Egypt has a long history. Stone plays an important role in the trade between Egypt and China. The Egyptian government attaches great importance to the development of stone trade between Egypt and China.
Minister Salman appreciated the important role played by the China Stone Association in the stone trade and industry exchanges between China and Egypt, and said that Egyptian beige is a classic color welcomed by the international market, and is also the main product of the stone trade between Egypt and China. The Egyptian government has recently developed more than 30 mines, and the number of newly developed mines will soon increase to 70, mainly beige marble mines and granite mines. It is hoped that with the help of China Stone Association, new varieties of Egyptian stone will be promoted, Egypt’s stone exports to China will be expanded, and personnel and technical training will be carried out under the framework of cooperation between the two governments.
During the talks, President Chen Guoqing said that China Stone Association is willing to strengthen close exchanges between trade associations of the two countries, and is willing to carry out various forms of technical exchanges and cooperation with Egypt to promote the development of stone trade between China and Egypt.
Secretary General Qi Zigang pointed out that China is willing to share with Egypt its experience in green mining, cleaner production, mining and processing technology and product application, and can provide relevant technical training according to Egypt’s requirements.
The two sides focused on the current situation and existing problems of stone trade between China and Egypt, and conducted in-depth exchanges on such topics as organizing Importers’ video conference, launching promotion and discussion activities during Xiamen exhibition 2021, and improving the level of stone trade and technical cooperation between the two countries.
Post time: May-07-2021